7 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Skin Tightening

Charles Omedo
5 min readJul 14, 2021


Coconut oil for skin tightening. Photo Credit: Pixabay

The natural aging process and environmental factors cause the skin to lose its elasticity. Aging reduces the body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin — two proteins that keep the skin tight and supple. And environmental factors such as air pollution, sun exposure, and airborne toxins subject the body to skin wrinkles, sagging, infections, and hair breakage among others. But coconut oil has been found to be very helpful for skin tightening and treating skin conditions.

While medical science has not discovered an anti-aging drug to reverse the aging process, coconut oil is proven to be an alternative solution. With coconut oil, environmental skin effects and natural aging can be slowed down and fully arrested — but you cannot just obtain natural coconut oil and begin to rub it on your skin — there is a way to go about it. So let’s examine 7 ways to use coconut oil for skin tightening and other skin conditions.

1. Coconut oil and aloe vera mask

A mixture of coconut oil and aloe vera juice is very effective for skin tightening. You apply the mixture on your face and skin and allow to dry. The mask must be washed off after a couple of hours. You will begin to observe improvements in your skin after about one month.

To prepare the mixture, mix two spoons of coconut oil with two spoons of aloe vera gel. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E which boosts skin elasticity, and aloe vera gel is full of malic acid which aids skin suppleness. You can even plant your own aloe vera plants to have easy access to its rich gel, which can be applied to the face raw.

2. Coconut oil and vitamin E

A combination of coconut oil and vitamin E works for skin tightening. Vitamin E boosts the skin’s ability to produce new cells and close up skin pores, facilitating tightness. Mix two spoons of coconut oil and vitamin E oil and apply on your skin for as long as you want. You must then wash it off with lukewarm water and repeat the process for several weeks to see significant results.

3. Coconut oil and argan oil

Argan is a tree of southwestern Morocco that is highly prized for its oil. The argan oil is rich in antioxidants and proven to reverse the aging process. When argan oil is mixed with coconut oil and rubbed on the skin, it facilitates the growth of new cells and prevents oxidative damage that results from excessive sun exposure. Allow the mixture to remain on your skin for up to two hours before rinsing off with warm water.

4. Coconut oil and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a tropical Asian tree with an aromatic bark that is used for spice. The yellowish-brown bark of the cinnamon contains a high level of anti-inflammatory properties, which removes skin imperfections. Mixing cinnamon bark powder with coconut oil for application on the skin keeps the wrinkles away. It preserves skin tone and promotes elasticity, helping to keep the individual younger over time.

5. Coconut oil and natural honey

Natural honey is very rich in a lot of medicinal properties that promote general wellbeing. Oil can be used to moisten the skin and keep it supple. It is rich in inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that prevent skin dryness and illnesses. When natural oil is mixed with coconut oil and then rubbed on the skin, it moisturizes the skin and keeps it youthful and lustrous. Rub a mixture of honey and coconut oil deep into your skin for several weeks to keep the natural aging process at bay.

6. Coconut oil and shea butter

Shea butter is an essential fatty oil used in almost every household in Africa. It is used to smoothen the skin and reduce dryness during the dry weather season. It is also used as a palliative in treating skin inflammation and injuries. When mixed with coconut oil, shea butter can be very effective in improving skin tone and suppleness. To prepare the mixture, melt some shea butter in a pan and add some coconut oil before turning off the heat. When solid, massage your skin with the mixture to notice dramatic skin tightening, suppleness, and sheen.

7. Coconut oil and turmeric powder

Although the dried and ground yellow roots of the turmeric plant is often used as seasoning for food, the powder is very good for treating skin conditions. Turmeric is found to be rich in antioxidants which prevent skin sagging, wrinkles, and free radicals. A mixture of coconut oil with turmeric powder is proven by skincare experts to repair skin wrinkles and prevent dryness. Turmeric powder and coconut oil mixture strengthens the skin to manufacture new cells to boost youthfulness.

Using coconut oil as a home remedy for skin looseness and aging has been a centuries-long tradition. From Asia to the Caribbean through to Africa, ancient folks applied coconut oil to their skin to boost youthfulness and skin shine. Our ancestors also consume a lot of coconut juice for its nutritional value, which aids skin health and wellness. Today, skincare products contain a lot of coconut oil mixed with other minerals to improve skin tone, elasticity, and suppleness.

Coconut oil remains an alternative skin treatment essential that must be added to daily skin regimen for youthfulness. It is an effective skin remedy that works perfectly for skin tightening and suppleness. It is a crucial skincare treatment option that remains popular with local folks and beauty companies. And it is abundant in our locality and cheap to obtain for skincare benefits. You can get coconut oil for cheap in your local store, and you can order for it online and get it delivered to your doorstep.

To generate a healthy glowing skin and achieve a more youthful look, you must add coconut oil to your skincare regimen. You must continually apply it deep into your skin and face every morning or evening to acquire a radiant skin tone that becomes the envy of everyone. It will also be helpful to avoid undue exposure to excessive sunlight, dry weather, damaging skin products, and airborne toxins.



Charles Omedo

Charles has a degree in Mass Comm and a PGD in Digital Communication. He writes daily news and articles for various clients. Contact him on writers100@gmail.com